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Discussion Guide


These book club questions are adapted from The Women's Prize's Reading Guide for Doppelganger (the book was the winner of the 2024 Women's Prize for Nonfiction). 

Book club questions for Doppelganger by Naomi Klein

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

Do you think that you feel under pressure from media or online sources to be thinner, fitter, healthier, prettier, more immune, clean eating, and so on? What do you feel under pressure to do, say, eat and drink every day? Is there a cost involved with any of these requirements? What products or services are you paying for to stay well/young/desirable? Could you feel well, young and desirable without some of those products or services? Or are they all providing valuable help?

The experience of motherhood or of caring for children often provokes strong protective emotions, and not just in women. In your opinion, are those instincts and emotions being manipulated for political ends in some areas of the media and the internet? Or, is it merely a difficult time to be a parent, whatever your views – and are any of the concerns of the ‘warrior mom’ valid? How does Klein’s account of herself as parent present a counter-narrative to the ‘warrior mom’, or is Klein also a ‘warrior mom’ in her own way?

How did you feel about Klein’s analysis of ourselves as brands – having a personal ‘brand’ on social media, etc, and the idea that by becoming a brand, we lose an essential human sense of multiplicity? Do you have a ‘brand’ online? Does it define you? How gendered is your brand?

Has reading Doppelganger made you think differently in any way, or realise something you didn’t know before? How and what, if so?

Did Klein’s definition of the problem of ‘pipikism’ strike a chord with you? Where have you noticed this loss of or re-adoption of language?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, did you notice a change in messaging from any of the social media accounts that you follow, particularly that of health and wellness influencers? Do you feel that it was positive or negative, and do you find ‘wellness’ influencer type accounts generally helpful, or not?

Have you ever had any part of your life confused with that of somebody else? Have you been the victim of identity theft? Or, perhaps some events in your life have mirrored someone else’s – a friend or family member, or even a celebrity? How did it make you feel? Have there been any ongoing consequences? What were they?

Doppelganger Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the Doppelganger discussion questions