These book club questions are from the publisher, Hodder & Stoughton. A full book club kit can be found here.
Book club questions for Carrie by Stephen King
Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.
Carrie was inspired by an article in Life Magazine about poltergeist activity in a suburban home. The article put forward the theory that a teenage girl, on the brink of puberty, was responsible for making objects (particularly religious objects) fly through the air. How does Stephen King draw on this in Carrie?
What role does religion play in Carrie?
King is a master of short stories, novellas and long novels. Discuss why the short novel/novella is the best vehicle for delivering this story?
How does the symbolism of blood work in Carrie?
Stephen King writes convincingly about women of all ages. Books featuring strong females include Carrie, Misery, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, Dolores Claiborne, Lisey’s Story and Rose Madder. Discuss how he creates such credible female characters.
Carrie was written before the film The Exorcist. Discuss how and why Carrie was so ground-breaking in the ‘horror’ genre at that time.
Both Sue Snell and Chris Hargensen persuade their boyfriends to act on their behalves. What does the book tell us about the power of teenage boys versus teenage girls?
How does the use of (fictionalised) magazine articles, newspaper clippings, letters and excerpts from books contribute to the story?
Part of the underlying impulse for Steve’s writing CARRIE was to take the CINDERELLA fairy tale and twist it by its tail. How does this tale of a lonely girl wanting to fit in, be liked and go to the dance remain timeless and universal?
Carrie has been adapted into two major motion pictures. How does a powerful film enhance the reading of a book? And do you prefer to read the book and then see the film? Or see the film and then read the book?
Stephen King was a teacher when he was writing Carrie. Discuss how the author’s understanding of the age group shines through in this novel?
Stephen King has been called the master of American literature. In what way is this story an American story, and in which way is it universal? And how does King’s local knowledge shine through.
King has described Carrie as a book written by a young man. How has King’s writing changed/developed over time?
Discuss the references to Lady Macbeth and to Sleeping Beauty
Carrie Book Club Questions PDF
Click here for a printable PDF of the Carrie discussion questions