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Discussion Guide

A Girl Called Samson

These book club questions are from the author's website, where a full discussion guide with additional questions per chapter can be found.

Book club questions for A Girl Called Samson by Amy Harmon

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

What were some of the overarching themes of the story?
Who were your favorite characters?
Did the characters feel relatable and realistic?
What moments surprised you? What did you predict would happen?
Did you anticipate the role John Paterson would play in the book?
Why was Deborah’s portrayal of a man so believable?
What were some of your favorite quotes from the book?
What were your favorite scenes or moments?
Did you learn anything new about the time period?
How has your perspective been changed or broadened by this story?
How did Deborah’s relationship with Elizabeth help her to develop a relationship with John?
What were the most pivotal points in the story in your opinion?
How is John and Deborah’s relationship different from the relationship John had with Elizabeth?

A Girl Called Samson Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the A Girl Called Samson discussion questions