Why Men Behave like Apes in Relationships - The Truth about his weird behavior, fear of commitment and sudden loss of interest

Learn What Every Man Wants in a Woman.

Men are weird and can behave like apes. A man can change his mind overnight and lose interest, just like that. I wrote this book to share the hard truth with you, so you can 'see' and understand why he does what he does.

You'll learn:

- What goes on inside a man's mind...and how attraction works for him

- The 7 dangerous mistakes most women make with men

- How you can use his "animal brain" to create natural and lasting attraction

- What makes men cheat or look at other women

- The 3 characteristics every man looks for in a woman

- How to make him think "she's mine, I want her "

- The one big mistake that instantly makes him lose physical attraction

- What makes men seem emotionally unavailable

- The crucial difference between emotional and physical attraction

- and much more.

Are you ready to go inside the male mind?

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114 pages

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