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Perhaps gentrification isn't always a good thing. White washing of urban neighborhoods, unforseen 3rd dimension of power working in the background using social/racial stereotypes to hide in plan sight as it weaves it evil tendrils into exsistence.
Great book. Starts off a little slow but once the story starts to present itself, it was hard to put down. Felt so many emotions reading this book; anger, sadness, happiness, joy, vengeful. Great read.
4.5 stars
Alyssa Cole has delivered a multi layered heavily nuanced yet contemporary humored book and made it into an excellent thriller!
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Alyssa Cole has delivered a multi layered heavily nuanced yet contemporary humored book and made it into an excellent thriller!
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Loved it, but definitely was slow in the beginning and then rapid fire at the end. Crazy turns! Made me mad and side eye an entire group of people for the month 🥴.
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