Weapons of Self Destruction: A Guidebook for Women in the War Against Negative Internal Forces


106 pages

Average rating: 10




Community Reviews

Jul 26, 2023
10/10 stars
This is the book to read, She speaks the truth and makes you take an honest look at yourself and the world around you. It wasn't what I expected, as women always hear what we need to do to fix our relationships, our communities, our Children, but this book held both Women and Men accountable for making the changes our communities need to heal, strive, and to be successful and I loved that! There were so many gems though out this book, so this...read more
Apr 27, 2023
10/10 stars
This book helps women identify some of the negative thoughts we experience while navigating our daily lives and it provides us with the practical tools to overcome them. It is very useful to the modern woman who is constantly under the extreme demands of service to everyone, but self. This book provides a scientific approach to understanding our current condition and a holistic approach to protecting our peace.

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