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Community Reviews
It has the potential to be good. It definitely kept my attention and I breezed right through it. But the ending was SO disappointing and certainly does not give you answers. Many parts/alternate realities got a little confusing. I'm excited if they make this into a movie like they plan to - I will definitely watch it. Hopefully the movie doesn't disappoint as much as the book and they do an alternate ending.
I really enjoyed this but there was just something missing to take it from a good read to a really good read. You can tell it originated on Reddit, which is by no means a bad thing but it did have an internet horror feel about it. A lot of the characters weren’t explored but introduced as key parts of the story which was a bit of shame as the exploration of these characters might have filled a few gaps.
This book was so freaky, disturbing and twisty. A deep dive into alternate realities and what truth is actually true. Loved it. Gave me goosebumps and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.
I felt the first half of this book was a little slow and boring but the last half definitely made up for it and was so twisty and creepy! It still has me questioning wtf happened!
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