Unwell Women: Misdiagnosis and Myth in a Man-Made World

A trailblazing, conversation-starting history of women's health--from the earliest medical ideas about women's illnesses to hormones and autoimmune diseases--brought together in a fascinating sweeping narrative.

Elinor Cleghorn became an unwell woman ten years ago. She was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease after a long period of being told her...show more


400 pages

Average rating: 7.53




Community Reviews

Aug 29, 2023
10/10 stars
Appalling, Informative, and even Entertaining...mostly because of how stupid "doctors" used to be waaaay back in the day about women and their menstrual cycles.
E Clou
May 10, 2023
6/10 stars
This is a complete history of medical misogyny in the Western World with a focus on UK and US. I didn't encounter any information I hadn't read before (though some things were, unfortunately, more detailed in this book than I'd previously encountered). If you're ignorant of the subject this would be a pretty complete starter text on the topic.

I think a book expanding on the more recent topics covered in chapters 17 and 18 would have been more int...read more
L Andrews NYC
Dec 15, 2022
7/10 stars
Some of the historial facts and research can get repetitive - -same research referenced multiple times throughout the book. Packed with historical facts, research, history about medical studies, legislation. Overwhelming to understand and process all the focus that the US and Great Britain (countries that predominated in research) place on regulating and policing womens' bodies.
Anna at Story
Jan 27, 2022
10/10 stars
The father of medicine - Hippocrates (5th century BC) - was the first to use the term "hysteria", which is essentially that the cause of all female illness lies with her uterus. Women were pathologised in this way by some of the most influential thinkers, like Plato, Aristotle and Freud. It has been treated by prescribing everything from marriage and children to sexual abstinence to avoidance of all intellectual pursuits (literally: "don't pick u...read more

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