To Love Jason Thorn


426 pages

Average rating: 6.96




Community Reviews

Sep 15, 2024
9/10 stars
What in the 2014 is this piece of art
Mar 28, 2024
4/10 stars
Apr 11, 2023
2/10 stars

1.5 ⭐

I think I deserve an award for reading through this. It took me so long to get through each chapter.

“You stole my little heart with just one dimple, you sneaky little thief. I never managed to fall out of love with you after that

Just for the record: "little one" was mentioned 48 times in this book & yes, I counted. It sounded so predatory so I had to affirm myself that Jason Thorn is not it.

The writing style of this book was so boring and it kept to the same, deflated tone throughout the book. Not once did it change. It felt like I was reading a bad Wattpad story.

Jason is not attractive, at all. He seemed like a boy who didn't know how to make proper decisions. Who didn't know how to man up. Who had so many people covering his pathetic ass. I was not even the least into him. He only loved Olive because he was forced to be with her, if not it wouldn't have hit him. The line between them was blurred and so quickly it was ridiculous.

Secondly, Olive. She seemed to not have her own personality apart from Lucy. Heck, if she didn't have that conversation with Lucy she wouldn't have said yes to the fake marriage thing with Jason in the first place. The insta-love from young could have been cute if there was more chapters to show the interaction between Jason and Olive but it was cut short so 0 points for this trope. There was no wedding scene, I actually didn't even know they went from engaged to married because I skimmed past the book. So I had to rewind and go back to find out, they went from engaged to married in 0.5 seconds.

Thirdly, what the fuck is Lucy? It is normal for girlfriends to want the dirty details but she's a little TMI its uncomfortable. I think she needs one good knock to the head:

"Because I do want details of that. Like every little dirty detail. Is he fat and curvy? Short and fat? Veiny? Thick and long? Can you imagine how lucky you’d be if that was the case. Be honest, you never sneaked into the bathroom when he was taking a shower? I bet even at eighteen his junk was impressive"

And of course, the cliche "accidental touch" moments are so many and spread across the book it is so annoying. It is not accidental if you have enough time to look at each other's eyes for so long, people. It had passed the accidental mark.

The whole fake marriage thing was stupid, why would that be the solution for a sex crazed fella who does not want to settle down??? Heck, he can't even remember the name of those he has sex with. Why would he remember Olive's?

The one-bed (this was voluntarily) thing played a terrible part where somehow Olive decided to climb all over Jason in her sleep, if that is even possible. It's cringey and irritating. (Of course after Olive tells Lucy, the first thing she wants to know is if Olive saw his dick).

So, I told myself to read this book because I had not read any sexual scene yet. But I should have stopped because this book's very first sexual scene is a big fat, NO. I don't even know what else to say other than it took me a lot of head shaking to get to the end of the scene. So did I actually read so many chapters of this book to get this horrible scene? Yes. Am I stupid? YES.

“Can you give me my toy, Jason who is not Jason? I really need it.” Before I could ask what the hell she was talking about she grabbed my wrist and pushed my hand into her underwear.

So Olive has a big and bad need to get off and somehow Jason is so nice to give her the orgasm she kept asking for so that she can sleep

“Open your legs, sweetheart,” I whispered finally. If she could have the orgasm she was clearly desperate for, maybe she would go to sleep.

Big fat no for this scene. 1) she's drunk 2) even though she is the one who initiated it, she did not verbally give the consent to carry on 3) Jason is a fucking dick

Though, I have to give Ms Maise credit. She comes up with such cringey, typical scenarios. It takes a lot of imagination for it to be possible. Would anyone in the right mind ask a girl to pose in a dress with her nipples on display for a photoshoot? Sure, if it was for porn related. But what the heck??? What kind of situations are this? And of course Olive goes along with it.

Also, Olive is a big fat liar. When Lucy asked her if Jason is a dirty talker she said:

Already fanning herself, she said, “Go ahead, answer. He is a dirty talker, isn’t he? He has to be.” “Yes."

Saying the F word is not the way to be a dirty talker, has she met Josh Chen?

A last one for the unrealistic situations: First Olive found out her ex slept with her roommate while they were together, next her bff's sleeping partner is in an accident, how can things escalate so fast? Firstly, he's her ex so I don't get why was she unhappy. Secondly, she chose to abandon her new husband aka love of her life in the club for her bff's sexy time dude. Thirdly, that is why the stupid falling out came out bc if she hadn't left his sorry ass it wouldn't have happened and I wouldn't had read another stupid problem at the end.

The only reason why I gave this 1.5 ⭐ is because it had dual pov. But honestly reading Jason's pov was as good as not tbh. All the important scenes were excluded, all the non-important scenes dragged this book out for so long. This book doesn't need 33 chapters. Probably half of it would have done it.

So my conclusion is: Love Hypothesis's Olive > To Love Jason Thorn's Olive.

And I will not be reading the next book that is centered around Lame Lucy.
Mar 29, 2023
2/10 stars
Literally for Young Adults. This is not a book for adults to read. The plot line is childish and the love interest gives me the ICK! It also clearly ran out of things to write about and just crammed a bunch of wild stuff at the end of the book WITHOUT EVER CLEARING THINGS UP AND TYING UP LOOSE ENDS. This book was a literal waste of my time and money.
Apr 28, 2022
Cuuuute!! Hollywood star…girl next door…LOTS of sexual tension then 🔥🔥🔥 I own this one. We can pass it around! Plus, I have the next book with the best friend’s story!! Heard it’s even better!!!

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