The Wolf Border


448 pages

Average rating: 7.44




Community Reviews

Nov 16, 2023
4/10 stars

Meatloaf & Potatoes not Steak and Lobster

And bland meatloaf and potatoes at that. This is not to say that the writing is not beautiful or that the story is not interesting, because it is. But it is in an everyday, matter of fact, plodding, monotone, deliberate way. I can see the brilliance of the symbolism between Racheal and the wolves; the need for freedom rather than captivity. It is clear that Rachael is a lone wolf, dedicated and loyal more
Sep 23, 2023
8/10 stars
Loved the comparison between wolves and herself as being free, wild and linked with that of wolves. A mature, predator. Structure of book was straightforward, language so inter linked with nature of wolves and how they see and interact with the environment was wonderful to read. Characters believable, setting really good. Little disappointed that it follows on from books such as “women who run with wolves” and “history of wolves” but hej ho if more
Feb 23, 2023
10/10 stars
Very much enjoyed this non-supernatural novel -- a sort of dangerous-loner zoologist woman turns up pregnant and leaves her Idaho wildlife recovery job to go back to her hometown in the UK to manage a re-introduction of wolves into a earl's private forest while relearning how to have feelings about humans. There is some romance but it's not a romance either. Just a great and intricate book about a woman who makes her own choices.

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