The Shell Seekers


Rosamunde Pilcher's The Shell Seekers is "a huge warm saga...A deeply satisfying story written with love and confidence" (Maeve Binchy in The New York Times Book Review).

The Shell Seekers was adapted twice to film (1989 and 2006).

An instant bestseller when it was first published, The Shell Seekers is an enduring classic which has touched the hearts of millions of readers worldwide. A novel of connection, it is the story of one family--mothers and daughters, husbands and lovers--and of the passions and heartbreak that have held them together for three generations. This magical novel--the kind of reading experience that comes along only once in a long while--is the perfect read, whether you are returning to it again, or opening the cover for the first time.

At the end of a long and useful life, Penelope Keeling's prized possession is The Shell Seekers, painted by her father, and symbolizing her unconventional life, from bohemian childhood to wartime romance. When her grown children learn their grandfather's work is now worth a fortune, each has an idea as to what Penelope should do. But as she recalls the passions, tragedies, and secrets of her life, she knows there is only one answer...and it lies in her heart.
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656 pages

Average rating: 7.52




Community Reviews

Judy Rader
Sep 15, 2023
10/10 stars
Rosamunde Pilcher is a favorite. I also enjoyed the movie.
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E Clou
May 10, 2023
6/10 stars
I was considering giving up on this book for the first 150 pages or so (out of 600) but then I finally got into it and ended up loving it. At first I thought it would focus on Penelope’s children who were unlikeable to different degrees, but finally, the story settled on Penelope- her present and her past during World War II. I loved the book. It was enjoyable and romantic without being silly or saccharine.
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Apr 17, 2023
10/10 stars
Beautifully written.Chapters organized by characters. Couldn’t put the book down! Unforgettable Penelope Keeling Is the daughter of bohemian artist Lawrence & his French wife Sonia. Shell Seekers is his painting beloved by Penelope. You will experience a little of the 1920 art colony, sacrifices of war time, family dysfunction and of course a love story & other surprises!
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Mar 03, 2023
10/10 stars
All time fave. All the stars.
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Jan 29, 2023
《寻贝者》通过对Penelope Keeling一生中爱情亲情友情的追述,向我们展示了一个小女孩成长为独具个人魅力的女性的过程,同时也引发读者思考什么样的人生才称得上是丰富及有价值的人生。 Penelope 有着宠爱她的开明的父母。父亲是一代画师,四十多岁时照顾法国朋友的十九岁孤女,双双陷入爱河,结晶出Penelope。Penelope 从小就生活在无拘无束的世界,在英国的临海渔村,父亲艺术家的敏感和母亲的青春浪漫给了她独特的童年色彩。 二战中,青春期的她怀揣着一腔爱国热情参加了海军,却被军中机械化的刻板作息浇了一头冷水。百无聊赖中与英俊潇洒的年轻军官点燃了爱情的火焰,当她征求母亲对军官求婚的态度时,母亲只问了她一句“你是真爱他吗?”。沉浸在爱情中的她,迅速走进了婚姻的殿堂。婚后丈夫奔赴战场,她因孕退伍回到父母家中,独自抚养女儿。 她生命中的第二段爱情发生在与父母生活的小渔村,经过生活的磨砺,这段爱情更成熟,也更真实,但生活给了她甜美后又即夺走了她的幸福-她真正深爱的人意外去世。 等丈夫归来,发现他们彼此在爱潮退去后再也找不回当初的激情,丈夫在失落中开始了酗酒及赌,最终早逝。她独自把两女一儿带大。 大女儿长大后嫁给商人,也嫁进了物欲,对世俗的追逐似乎更重于心灵的感受。 二女儿最像她,独立特行,不拘一格,度假时遇上自己想要的人想要的生活,立即辞去拼搏多年才挣到的好工作,在意识到自己仍想追求自由时,又舍弃了自己还爱着的爱人回到职场。 三儿子有着明星般的外貌及气质,本可凭借自己独到之处及才华作为一番,却总是如浮萍,不知自己根在哪里。 孩子们得知Penelope手中的她父亲遗留给她的画及手槁价值连城,尤其是那副“寻贝者” - Penelope 父亲以妻女海边拾贝做的画作时,平时互不往来的大女儿及小儿子立马合谋如何把画弄到手,二女儿一如即往的给母亲以尊重及空间。最终Penelop在给了每个孩子应得的丰厚财产后,将父亲的手槁赠给了自立并需要帮助的两个充满爱心的年轻人,“寻贝者”赠与了博物馆,自己也在晨曦自己的花园中安详离世。 生命的长河里总是装满了各种各样的贝壳,怎样才能找到属于自己的贝壳,也许是我们每一个人都应该静下来想一想的?
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