The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy (Montague Siblings, 2)

In this highly anticipated sequel to the New York Times bestselling The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, Felicity Montague must use all her womanly wits and wiles to achieve her dreams of becoming a doctor—even if she has to scheme her way across Europe to do it. A must-have for fans of Mackenzi Lee’s extraordinary and Stonewall Honor-winning novel.

A year after an accidentally whirlwind grand tour with her brother Monty, Felicity Montague has returned to England with two goals in mind—avoid the marriage proposal of a lovestruck suitor from Edinburgh and enroll in medical school. However, her intellect and passion will never be enough in the eyes of the administrators, who see men as the sole guardians of science.

But then a window of opportunity opens—a doctor she idolizes is marrying an old friend of hers in Germany. Felicity believes if she could meet this man he could change her future, but she has no money of her own to make the trip. Luckily, a mysterious young woman is willing to pay Felicity’s way, so long as she’s allowed to travel with Felicity disguised as her maid.

In spite of her suspicions, Felicity agrees, but once the girl’s true motives are revealed, Felicity becomes part of a perilous quest that leads them from the German countryside to the promenades of Zurich to secrets lurking beneath the Atlantic.


464 pages

Average rating: 8.28




Community Reviews

Feb 28, 2025
9/10 stars
I adore Felicity, and I adore the trio of young women this story follows. What a beautiful tale of finding confidence in one's self, even if that self goes against the grains of society's expectation of you. For a multitude of reasons, I found Felicity an incredibly relatable character, probably one of the most relatable characters I've come across in a good many years. This adventure was a pleasure to follow along with. However... For all the things I loved in this book, I do have one complaint. If you're gonna write a period piece and mention women's fashion so many times, you could at least do your research on what historical fashion was actually like. The tired and over-played, pop-culture cliche of tight lacing and women not being able to eat or breath in their stays or corsets is a myth that absolutely needs to go die in a fire. It is, quite frankly, one of the most irresponsible misunderstandings of historical fashion, which has perpetuated modern media.
Barbara ~
Dec 11, 2024
6/10 stars
In the first book, "Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Vertue " we found Felicity Monteque to be a bit of a brat and a good foil to Monte for all the escapades. This time, she is the protagonist but she's far from a damsel in distress. She is a delightful character and this book shows a strong focus of female friendship and empowerment, regardless if you are a girly girl or whatever adjective you wish to attach to a woman during the 18 hundreds. Felicty Monteque is seeking apprenticeship to Dr Platt and oh is it an unjust world! His fiancé is non other than Felicity's childhood friend Johanna. Johanna and Felicity had a spat long, long ago when Johanna discovered she not only enjoyed science but being a real girly girl. Felicity took it as a sign that Joanna was no longer the same person and therefore no longer shared Felicity's love for science. As Johanna puts it, "why can't I have both?" Felcity also shares a kiss with Sim and as Katy Perry sang, "I kissed a girl and I liked it." I truly enjoyed it and felt it's a sold 3 1/2 but not a 4 star book.
Nov 21, 2024
10/10 stars
I really enjoyed the first book in the series (The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue) even though I found Monty insufferable at the beginning. Percy and Felicity really carried the interest for me until Monty had some character growth. I had a feeling I would love this book from loving Felicity in the last book, and the audiobook was narrated by one of my favorite narrators Moira Quirk. It was a recipe for success and it was delicious. I loved it from the first few sentences, and I never stopped. There are a few less set pieces and side characters in this one compared to the first book, but I didn't mind and it helped keep the narrative moving more quickly I think. I loved seeing Monty and Percy again. I loved the new characters we met. I loved the ace representation. Perfect book for me.
Jul 18, 2024
8/10 stars
I like it!
Three strong ladies fighting dudes and kicking butt.
It was an adventure.
Mar 10, 2023
10/10 stars
Se em qualquer momento eu critiquei esse livro, eu estava fora de mim. NADA de ruim poderia vir de um livro estrelado pela Felicity Montague, e isso aqui é a prova!
São tantas reviravoltas, tantas pontas pra lá e pra cá que é impossível falar qualquer coisa sem dar um tremendo spoiler da história. É ligeiramente menos frenético que o primeiro livro, mas tão emocionante quanto. E juro que quando coisa X aconteceu com o Percy perto do final, eu tava 100% pronto pra rasgar esse livro em pedaços e chorar até o ano que vem.
Eu leria qualquer coisa dos irmãos Montague sem nem pensar duas vezes.

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