The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina: A Novel

The Montoyas are used to a life without explanations. They know better than to ask why the pantry never seems to run low or empty, or why their matriarch won’t ever leave their home in Four Rivers—even for graduations, weddings, or baptisms. But when Orquídea Divina invites them to her funeral and to collect their inheritance, they hope to learn the secrets that she has held onto so tightly their whole lives. Instead, Orquídea is transformed, leaving them with more questions than answers.
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Community Reviews
Beautifully written story. The fantastical elements so poetic and def heavy with symbolism for the characters.
It's a comfortable fantasy, I keep seeing magical realism and it is very fitting. I personally logged notes as I read, because yes, the family is big. Some family members come in for just one scene and other characters are permanent to the plot. But that is because its just me and my ADHD.
But the writing is lush and dripping with magic, and emotion. I can feel that this story is a big piece of the author's heart. It feel like an homage to something bigger than this book. Which I can and will always appreciate.
It's a comfortable fantasy, I keep seeing magical realism and it is very fitting. I personally logged notes as I read, because yes, the family is big. Some family members come in for just one scene and other characters are permanent to the plot. But that is because its just me and my ADHD.
But the writing is lush and dripping with magic, and emotion. I can feel that this story is a big piece of the author's heart. It feel like an homage to something bigger than this book. Which I can and will always appreciate.
If you're the type of bookworm that is quick to DNF - give this one a little extra grace and keep reading!
I read THE INHERITANCE OF ORQUIDEA DIVINA at my Patron Pick of the Month for October. (Thank you Tara!) The premise captivated me - the Montoya family members receive an invitation to a funeral for Orquidea Divina...who is still very much alive. However, this family is accustomed to such things because this was a way of life in regards to Orquidea. A house that appeared overnight, a cupboard that never empties even though Orquidea never leaves to go resupply. In fact, she never leaves at all!
The family assembles to see what the hubbub is all about while also thinking perhaps answers to unspoken questions from over the long years will be given. Orquidea is still Orquidea, providing even more questions before choosing a surprising heir to her house and transforms into something...else.
Years later, different family members claim they are being followed, stalked. Then they start turning up dead in rapid succession. Those that are left embark on a journey to learn of Orquidea's past, to see if they can uncover the history of her magic, her life - in hopes that the truth can save them.
From the start, I found the character of Orquidea Divina captivating. That was the driving force behind my desire to keep fact it was my only desire. I did not mesh well with the writing style of the side of the tale where we are in the family member points of view. They weren't written in a way that made me connect, so therefore I didn't care and just read through to get to the next piece of Orquidea's history. UNTIL THE ENDING. Then it all came together and I understood all of the pieces. Even so, I still think those sections of the other Montoyas were a bit disjointed, but at least they weren't wasted page space.
I'm glad I read it, but it's a one and done for me. With me not loving the characters we spend the majority of the book with, there's no desire for a reread. For those who've been interested in picking this one up, I'd say borrow it from your library first to make sure it's one you want to invest in to add to your collection.
I read THE INHERITANCE OF ORQUIDEA DIVINA at my Patron Pick of the Month for October. (Thank you Tara!) The premise captivated me - the Montoya family members receive an invitation to a funeral for Orquidea Divina...who is still very much alive. However, this family is accustomed to such things because this was a way of life in regards to Orquidea. A house that appeared overnight, a cupboard that never empties even though Orquidea never leaves to go resupply. In fact, she never leaves at all!
The family assembles to see what the hubbub is all about while also thinking perhaps answers to unspoken questions from over the long years will be given. Orquidea is still Orquidea, providing even more questions before choosing a surprising heir to her house and transforms into something...else.
Years later, different family members claim they are being followed, stalked. Then they start turning up dead in rapid succession. Those that are left embark on a journey to learn of Orquidea's past, to see if they can uncover the history of her magic, her life - in hopes that the truth can save them.
From the start, I found the character of Orquidea Divina captivating. That was the driving force behind my desire to keep fact it was my only desire. I did not mesh well with the writing style of the side of the tale where we are in the family member points of view. They weren't written in a way that made me connect, so therefore I didn't care and just read through to get to the next piece of Orquidea's history. UNTIL THE ENDING. Then it all came together and I understood all of the pieces. Even so, I still think those sections of the other Montoyas were a bit disjointed, but at least they weren't wasted page space.
I'm glad I read it, but it's a one and done for me. With me not loving the characters we spend the majority of the book with, there's no desire for a reread. For those who've been interested in picking this one up, I'd say borrow it from your library first to make sure it's one you want to invest in to add to your collection.
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