The Backyard Bird Chronicles

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A gorgeous, witty account of birding, nature, and the beauty around us that hides in plain sight, written and illustrated by the best-selling author of The Joy Luck Club • With a foreword by David Allen Sibley

“Unexpected and spectacular” —Ann Patchett, best-selling author of These Precious Days

"The drawings and essays in this book do a lot more than just describe the birds. They carry a sense of discovery through observation and drawing, suggest the layers of patterns in the natural world, and emphasize a deep personal connection between the watcher and the watched. The birds that inhabit Amy Tan’s backyard seem a lot like the characters in her novels.” —David Allen Sibley, from the foreword

Tracking the natural beauty that surrounds us, The Backyard Bird Chronicles maps the passage of time through daily entries, thoughtful questions, and beautiful original sketches. With boundless charm and wit, author Amy Tan charts her foray into birding and the natural wonders of the world.

In 2016, Amy Tan grew overwhelmed by the state of the world: Hatred and misinformation became a daily presence on social media, and the country felt more divisive than ever. In search of peace, Tan turned toward the natural world just beyond her window and, specifically, the birds visiting her yard. But what began as an attempt to find solace turned into something far greater—an opportunity to savor quiet moments during a volatile time, connect to nature in a meaningful way, and imagine the intricate lives of the birds she admired.


320 pages

Average rating: 6.62




Community Reviews

Dec 11, 2024
8/10 stars
I loved the first chapter. Really excellent capture of yay it’s like to bird and draw.
Aug 23, 2024
“喜福会” The joy luck club 的作者Amy Tan 以她独特的艺术家的视角和生动有趣的笔触,通过数年对自家后院鸟的观察,声情并茂地描叙了一个鸟的世界,让我们感叹小小鸟竟有如此丰富有趣的众生态,让人不由自主地爱上它们。 Amy 在后院搭了好几个喂鸟架,买了各种鸟食,报了画鸟的课,置了各色画笔及望远镜,开始了六年的观鸟记鸟画鸟生涯。她从开始的鸟盲遂渐成为了一眼便可辨出鸟的种类年龄性别的鸟专家,这个过程给她带来了许多的快乐与感悟,也最终成就了这本书。尤其在两年的疫情期间,人与人的隔离反而让她有更多的时间静下心来看鸟儿们嬉戏打闹爱恨情仇,在很多人因孤离而抑郁时,沉浮起荡的鸟生让她的生活充满乐趣。 读书会的莉一直提醒我们幸福的秘诀之一就是要走进大自然,学会捕捉大自然中的一切美好。天空飞翔的小鸟,地上努放的野花,只要我们能暂时清空杂念,静心观之,这些都是我们纯粹的快乐的源泉。
Jul 20, 2024
7/10 stars
Loved reading her words, and envisioning her beautiful back yard. Makes me miss the Bay Area. In kindle the drawings are not as great as they would be in the bound version - and you read the notes on another page, so that is a little disjointed. But it was still delightful.
Apr 29, 2024
10/10 stars
“If there is anything I have learned these past six years, it is this: Each bird is surprising and thrilling in its own way. But the most special is the bird that pauses when it is eating, looks and acknowledges I am there, then goes back to what it was doing.” If this is how an amateur ornithologist feels when bird watching, I can only imagine how the Creator feels when we pause before a meal and acknowledge the presence and provision of I AM with us and for us. I am reminded of Matthew 10:29 and 31, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father…So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” In the final sentence of her acknowledgements–and the book itself, Amy Tan dedicates The Backyard Chronicles “To all the birds in my backyard. If only you knew what I see in each of you. If only you knew how much I love you.” Just as this renown, multi-award winning author has found herself besotted with birds, so the Author and Finisher of our Faith lavishes His attention and affection on the works of His creation from the hummingbird to humanity. “My yard is where the hawks and songbirds meet, one as diner, the other as dinner…They arrived hungry and never stopped eating…Questions that beget more questions are the fertile spores that can lead you deeper into the forest.” And so I return to my own backyard “for last call at dusk, a glass of red wine in one hand and a red feeder in the other…with awareness that life contains ephemeral moments, which can be saved in words and images, there for pondering, for reviving the bird and the heart.”

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