Sophie Go's Lonely Hearts Club

A new heartfelt novel about the power of loneliness and the strength of love that overcomes it by critically acclaimed author Roselle Lim.


335 pages

Average rating: 7.95




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Community Reviews

Jul 16, 2024
10/10 stars
Sweet, easy read
Jun 12, 2023
9/10 stars
I thought this would be an airy, light, summer read, and it is, but it’s also got some wonderful depth to it. If you’re looking for a beach read with brains I recommend this. Another reviewer commented that the protagonist’s relationship with her parents was hard to stomach and I echo this as well. I do think it’s a common relationship amongst Asian families, my own included, and I did appreciate how well the author presented this relationship.
Jan 26, 2023
7/10 stars
It’s an easy read and I really did like the old ducks. But I couldn’t stand Sophie’s relationship with her parents. Every time she has an interaction with them I had to skip ahead because it annoyed me. And I know that was the point, she grew she stood up for herself. I also wish more of her relationship with Mr. Particular had been included. Towards the end we got to see more of who he was but before that he was so much of a mystery that I didn’t really understand why she was starting to like him. The last portion of the book was great though. The ending was sweet and I hugged my book after reading it.

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