
Queenie Jenkins can't cut a break. Well, apart from one from her long term boyfriend, Tom. That's definitely just a break though. Definitely not a break up. Stuck between a boss who doesn't seem to see her, a family who don't seem to listen (if it's not Jesus or water rates, they're not interested), and trying to fit in two worlds that don't really understand her, it's no wonder she's struggling.
She was named to be queen of everything. So why is she finding it so hard to rule her own life?
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The show was better than the book, the book gave a lot of good details but it made you dislike the main character or at least for me it did
Who doesn’t love a Jamaican Brit accent?! I do!! As I listened to Queenie -I empathized with her, laughed at her, and definitely sucked my teeth several times. Still, I wanted her to WIN. I enjoyed how the so relevant author, Carty- Williams created such a relatable but nerve wracking protagonist. Queenie experiences a devastating breakup which leaves her a mess & on the verge of a mental breakdown. So yes, I found myself blaming Queenie for what she had to deal with, but I also empathized with each decision she made. Sis was really struggling to find herself and self worth. How many of us can relate? Carty-Williams weaves humor & serious issues to sort of balance out the awkward-ness some situations may leave behind. She does this in a way that makes it a page turner- not to mention the fortitude of a tribe that Queenie had to support her and remind her that she’s that B****! Shouts to her bad ass friends! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ star rating Yuh-zeeet 🇯🇲
This story was all over the place, I wouldn't say it's a great read but I definitely felt like I was judging Queenie throughout the story because of the choices she makes. The beginning started off boring for me and I just couldn't pull myself to finish it. Once I did continue to read it seemed to get better toward the end of the story and once I was invested the story was over and left me with too many questions. I give a 5 because even though it wasn't a favorite, the story felt relatable.
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