Off Season

September. A beautiful New York editor retreats to a lonely cabin on a hill in the quiet Maine beach town of Dead River--off season--awaiting her sister and friends. Nearby, a savage human family with a taste for flesh lurks in the darkening woods, watching, waiting for the moon to rise and night to fall...

And before too many hours pass, five civilized, sophisticated people and one tired old country sheriff will learn just how primitive we all are beneath the surface...and that there are no limits at all to the will to survive.

This novel contains graphic content and is recommended for regular readers of horror novels.


324 pages

Average rating: 6.73




Community Reviews

Sep 04, 2024
8/10 stars
“Off Season” read so much smoother than I was anticipating. It’s become a classic already, and there’s good reason for it. It’s quick, entertaining as hell, and an unforgettable read. The ending felt pretty weak, it was rushed and didn’t offer much to go off of (probably because of the sequel, but still, a solid ending would’ve been preferred). I’ve been meaning to read this book for well over a decade at this point, so it feels great to finally cross it off my TBR. Definitely gonna finish out the series sooner rather than later.
Jul 31, 2023
8/10 stars
Phenomenal writing, perhaps too phenomenal; for now, I want steak.
Jan 06, 2023
6/10 stars
one of the first splatterounk books i read and wasn't disappointed. the first 3rd of the book is a bit rough to read, but once u get to the actions it's like u cant stop. this book is v e r y discriptive and not for the weak of heart, i swear it's like i could smell the scenarios at some point. definitely thinking about reading the sequel to this.
Oct 14, 2022
10/10 stars
Aug 20, 2022
8/10 stars
I kinda dived headfirst into the horror genre after reading mostly fantasy and fiction, but I really liked this book! I loved the snippets of backstory in it. The gore was good.

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