Moses, Man of the Mountain

"A narrative of great power. Warm with friendly personality and pulsating with . . . profound eloquence and religious fervor." --New York Times

In this novel based on the familiar story of the Exodus, Zora Neale Hurston blends the Moses of the Old Testament with the Moses of black folklore and song to create a compelling allegory of power, redemption, and faith.


307 pages

Average rating: 9.14




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The Nerdy Narrative
Jul 19, 2024
10/10 stars

I've read a lot of Zora Neale Hurston's works and even though my expectations were high, she far exceeded what I was looking for. First, I'm going to put this out there - this is far and away my favorite Biblical retelling. More so than the long standing favorite of Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I loved that the author included history and black folklore - in fact, this made the book of Exodus actually seem more realistic, if I'm being honest.

The imagery was astounding. Hurston's word choice, her simple sentences that carried so much beauty and weight - I felt like I was constantly highlighting quotes and passages. THIS Moses was a true leader, I had so much respect for him and how he dealt with others.

Another one of that will be reread many, many times in the coming years!

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