More Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment, and Reason

Whether you're searching for the perfect read for yourself or for a friend, More Book Lust offer eclectic recommendations unlike those in any other reading guide available.

In this followup to the bestselling Book Lust, popular librarian, Nancy Pearl, offers a fresh collection of 1,000 reading recommendations in more than 120 thematic, intelligent and wholly entertaining reading lists.

For the friend wanting to leave her job: Living Your Dream offers good armchair dreaming books about people who have left stodgy jobs to do what they love. Are you a budding chef? Fiction For Foodies includes books that sneak in a recipe or two along with a tantalizing plot. For the James Bond wannabe: Crime is a Globetrotter features crime novels set in various locations around the world such as Tibet, Sweden, and Sicily.

In the book's introduction, Pearl jokes, "If we were at a twelve-step meeting together, I would have to stand up and say, 'Hi, I'm Nancy P., and I'm a readaholic." Booklist magazine plays off this obsession while echoing a sentiment of Nancy Pearl's fans everywhere: "A self-confessed 'readaholic, ' Pearl lets us benefit from her addiction. May she never seek recovery." Indeed.
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304 pages

Average rating: 8


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