Lonely Castle in the Mirror


386 pages

Average rating: 8.12




Community Reviews

Aug 15, 2024
7/10 stars
I can’t decide if I liked it or not. I think it is worth the read to discuss cultural mental health issues that are universal. Reality and fantasy.
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May 03, 2023
10/10 stars
I can’t believe I finished this book within a day, but it’s honestly not surprising, given how GOOD this book is <3. And genuinely? This is probably one of the first, if not first, books that have literally made me tear up while finishing it all in one day (literally). There’s so many things I want to address in this book… But I just don’t know where to start??? And yeah, I guess I could say I do relate to some of the characters in this book too like Kokoro Anzai, etc. I really have no other words to say except I’m in love with the concept of this book. The concept of time is really fascinating don’t you think? (even though, lets be honest, I almost was convinced this was gonna be about parallel universes thanks to Masamune hahaha TT). I’m such a rambler, so just one review paragraph could never cut it for this book! But if I could read and experience it for the first time again, I absolutely would. (although maybe not through a wolves’ den heh - pun intended). Okayokay, but seriously though, if anyone’s considering reading this? YES. Absolutely, MUST MUST MUST read <33 I would rate this more than 5 stars if I could🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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