

Average rating: 7.58




Community Reviews

Apr 26, 2024
8/10 stars
This book picked up where Divergent left off.

I have noticed recently a lot of the books I have been reading I have been paying attention to the psychological aspect of what happened to the characters. Most of the story dealt with the aftermath from things Tris had experienced in Divergent. Despite Tris being a little broody every once in a while I thought it was well handled. I liked how Tris who had been raised in a sheltered environment had a more
Dec 27, 2023
8/10 stars
Oh, yeah! The final scene places everything in context... and even so, Tris (our heroine) has been able to keep our attention and interest all the way through the book. Her ultimately honest interactions with others and her discoveries of herself...make her quite believable. I, for one, want to know what will happen next.
Dec 04, 2023
8/10 stars
I think I forget what being a 16 year old girl is like. Through quite a bit of this book, I was sighing at Tris and rolling my eyes. But as it progressed, I got it.

I had a rocky upbringing but obviously wasn't taught to battle, use guns and take over Erudite headquarters as a 16 year old. I didn't watch my parents die bloody deaths and I didn't have to kill my best friend. (thank goodness).

Tris is now having panic attacks when she has to hold a more
Jillian Chong
Oct 24, 2023
8/10 stars
This series gets way better in the second book. A ton of action, much like Mockingbird in The Hunger Game series it because packed with battles and lots of militia being formed. The "shocking" ending didn't leave me dying to keep reading the way Catching Fire did.
Oct 16, 2023
8/10 stars
The second book in the Divergent series was another good read. The story continued along the same lines as the previous one with lots of twists and turns thrown in for good measure, which kept my attention.

*Slight Spoiler...
OK, I'm not usually the one noting violence in a TV show or film, and so I'm rarely the one calling attention to it in books either. But for some reason, I still find this series more strikingly violent than other dystopian more

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