His Name Is George Floyd (Pulitzer Prize Winner): One Man's Life and the Struggle for Racial Justice

A landmark biography by two prizewinning Washington Post reporters that reveals how systemic racism shaped George Floyd's life and legacy—from his family’s roots in the tobacco fields of North Carolina, to ongoing inequality in housing, education, health care, criminal justice, and policing—telling the story of how one man’s tragic experience brought about a global movement for change.
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432 pages

Average rating: 8.33




Community Reviews

Oct 14, 2023
6/10 stars
This book was OK. That’s it. It wasn’t enough in my opinion about George’s life. I would say around 35% was his life and the rest was more about racism subject and history. For me that’s not a biography. It was reasonably well written.
In parts when it spoke of George it was interesting. In parts where it spoke too much or policy and history it was not that gripping.
What happened to George is no doubt the single most awful thing I have ever seen...read more

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