Fledgling: The Shapeshifter Chronicles


242 pages

Average rating: 4




Community Reviews

Apr 26, 2023
4/10 stars
I read this almost four months ago, and it has stuck with me every day since.

Just kidding.

I had to read the reviews a bit for it to all come back to me. This review will be short and sweet - ok, more short than sweet.

There is a girl with some condition/sickness (I can't recall).
She moves to a new town (where it is I can't recall).
She meets a boy (his name I cannot recall).
I am pretty sure that he has a secret (I do recall this but can't recall if this is disclosed.
They "fall in love" super quickly (what sparked the interest I can't recall).
There is a "big" scene towards the end with a battle (between two or three or seven people I can't recall).

It was ok. Hence the two stars. I won't be continuing this one.

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