A true story that is both uniquely moving and exceptionally inspiring, Emergence is the first-hand account of a courageous autistic woman who beat the odds and cured herself. As a child, Temple Grandin was forced to leave her normal school and enroll in a school for autistic children. This searingly honest account captures the isolation and fears suffered by autistics and their families and the quiet strength of one woman who insisted on a miracle.
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312 pages

Average rating: 9




Community Reviews

Jul 18, 2023
10/10 stars
Temple Grandin is an amazing inspiration for all of us. I think few of us could achieve such success in the face of the kind of obstacles Temple--and others with Austism Spectrum Disorders--had to overcome. I also admire her candor in sharing her experiences; her courage to tell her story, even incidents that were embarrassing or difficult for her, will help more people to understand what it is to live with ASD. I plan to read more of her books. ...read more
Apr 24, 2023
8/10 stars
I read this book while I should have been staring at the wonder of Yellowstone Park. It was refreshing to see an assassin tale that manages to make the main character interesting and multidimensional. An assassin with a wife? No, scratch that. An assassin who is actually in love with his wife? The book manages to be suspenseful and clean at the same time. I'd definitely recommend it to those who have trouble dealing the with gore that generally c...read more

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