Dolores Claiborne


Average rating: 8.27




Community Reviews

Jun 12, 2024
10/10 stars
Another great recommendation from LJ (thanks so much). I enjoyed this tremendously and giggled quite often throughout. But, I also felt pissed off at times too. Many feels while listening to this. As I was listening, I kept thinking that I’d heard the narrators voice before, so had to look her up. Of course I’ve seen the actress Frances Sternhagen in various tv shows over the years. Ms. Sternhagen does an excellent job narrating this book. I’ve never been to Maine personally, but loved the accent. Well done!

Mom (and anyone else who likes a good book), you need to listen to this one. You won’t be sorry!
Nov 16, 2023
8/10 stars
I listened to the Audible audio book and wow! The narrator, Frances Sternhagen, absolutely made this book for me. I'm sure I would have enjoyed the hard copy also - it's a great story - but I don't think I would have enjoyed it nearly as much as I did the audio book. The narrator brings Delores Claiborne to life and you quickly learn to admire the wit, strength, and endurance of the feisty, sly old broad. I loved her.

I thought the structure of the book was clever and added much to my experience. It all occurs in one sitting as Delores answers questions and tells her story to the police after the suspicious death of her employer, Vera. The entire book is her statement and the only voice we hear. The story is at times dark and troubling while at other times delightful and comical. She and Vera are fascinating characters that come to a pivotal common understanding: "Accidents" happen all the time and sometimes to one's advantage. However selfish or selfless the intention, consequences eventually come to bear, many with contrary results for those touched by the events.
May 16, 2023
8/10 stars
i liked the narrative delivery
Apr 26, 2023
10/10 stars
There's no bitch on earth like a mother frightened for her kids.

WOW. I had no idea I would love Dolores Claiborne, the book and the character, so much.

This is Dolores' confession. It's a long, rambling, she'll get to that part when she gets to that part, Andy, confession with no chapter breaks, no other points of view, and no concern whether you believe her or not because this is the way it happened.

I could not get enough of her story.

(This is me reading this book. Although I'm not a bunny. Clearly.)

From the recollection of her years with Joe (what a worthless pile of turds that guy turned out to be) to her relationship with "that bitch Vera Donovan" (possibly the very best kind of bitch one could be) to displays of her strong work ethic and even stronger love for her children (my heart hurt), I was enthralled.

What would I have done in her place? What would I have done had I known her? Are all sins really sins? Are some forgivable?

Time's a reach, too, you know, just like the one that lies between the islands and the mainland, but the only ferry that can cross it is memory, and that's like a ghost-ship--if you want it to disappear, after awhile it will.

Definitely planning on tracking the movie down, as I hadn't even heard of it before. I know, I know...I'm not sure which rock I've been living under either.

4.5 Stars Rounded to 5

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