Damaged but Not Destroyed: From Trauma to Triumph

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - ECPA BESTSELLER - The author of Relationship Goals and Crazy Faith proves that no matter how badly you've messed up, no matter what hardship or pain you've experienced, nothing can destroy the priceless, God-given value of your life.

"Damaged but Not Destroyed will encourage and inspire you to remember that your failures do not define your future."--Robert Morris, senior pastor of Gateway Church and bestselling author of The Blessed Life, Beyond Blessed, and The God I Never Knew

Your Damage Does Not Define You

Underneath our designer clothes, makeup, jewelry, and photo filters are cracks left by abuse, mistakes, rejection, and disappointment. Bestselling author and pastor Michael Todd reveals his own damage: the hits he's experienced from trauma, dumb choices, and lingering struggles passed down through generations. Using candid stories, engaging illustrations, and biblical wisdom, he encourages readers to be H.O.T.--humble, open, and transparent--and face the pain of past hits to move toward the triumphant future God has for them.

Damaged but Not Destroyed will give you tools to identify the impact of your damage, see yourself the way God sees you, and realize that healing is all about progression, not perfection.

No matter how badly you've messed up, and no matter the pain you've experienced, nothing can destroy the God-given value of your life. It's time to turn your damage into destiny! You may be damaged, but you are not destroyed.

The Value Is Still in You
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192 pages

Average rating: 7.5




Community Reviews

Mar 05, 2024
9/10 stars
This book took me on an incredible journey. It fearlessly peels back layers of trauma, offering profound insights and healing opportunities along the way. I must emphasize, however, that it delves into deep emotional territory, and if you do not have a therapist or support system in place, I highly recommend seeking one before diving into this read. But if you're ready to do the work, if you're prepared to confront and heal, then this book is a p...read more

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