Crossing to Safety


Average rating: 7.62




Community Reviews

Nov 16, 2023
8/10 stars
I debated between 3 or 4 stars for this book. It was the writing style that pushed it to 4. This is my first Stegner and I liked his style enough that I want to read more of his work. I liked this book and knew going into it that there would not be a driven plot but rather a slow, contemplative story about lifelong friendships. I believe I read it at the right time for if I were younger, I would not have understood or possibly valued the messages in the story. For me, the main messages were acceptance and tolerance of faults in the people we love and that friends can truly be family. Friends can play a major role in our lives and we should treasure them. There's a lot of wisdom in this book and while I got a lot out of the story, it didn't knock my socks off. All the same, I'm glad I read it and suspect it's going to be one of those slow burn stories that I'll be thinking about long after I've finished reading it.

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