384 pages

Average rating: 6.58




Community Reviews

May 19, 2024
6/10 stars
I picked this book up for bookclub. I knew it was a horror book, but I wasn't sure what to expect. I really was confused for about a third of the book, but then it finally got my attention and I sailed through to the end. I enjoyed it, but I don't think I will read it again.
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May 19, 2024
8/10 stars
wait because …. i was on the fence about this the entire time and i only really loved reading it because samantha reminded me of my own little brain and how it’s almost always in hater mode at all times. the writing style in this was so fun that i genuinely was like, “i could write a book deadass”
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Apr 27, 2024
8/10 stars
Just finished this book.

Overall I really enjoyed it.

There are many time that I had no clue what was going on. But, enjoyed the journey nevertheless. Will not be everyones cup of tea. However, I would defo recommend.
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Apr 17, 2024
4/10 stars
i literally read this and loved it and then after thinking about it i like it less and less. i love the aesthetic of the book more than anything but the plot is so confusing towards the end and theres no real answers about anything but it definitely takes u for a ride
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Sep 24, 2022
3/10 stars
Plot twist :4 (good but not mind blowing ) Reading pace : 3 (had trouble staying interested) Main character : 6 (pretty enjoyable can be related to sometimes nothing particularly good nor bad ) Writing quality: 7 (pretty easy to read with occasionally some hard words ) Read again : 0 % ( it was a one time read for sure ) § The story is about a girl named Samantha Heather Mackey who’s a writer and a student at warren university , she doesn’t really fit in and doesn’t really get along with her classmates who are mainly this group of rich girl who call each other bunny , one day Samantha receives an invitation from them and soon realises how deeply she slipped into their rabbit hole . # overall it was a bite boring ; usually I’m not a fiction fan so I had a bite of a hard time imagining the events also I didn’t really experience the horror part it wasn’t scary in my opinion , I also don’t think that’s the author did the best job with making the readers hate the bunnies I honestly didn’t get enough mean vibes , didn’t like them in particular but couldn’t hat them either . Samantha was a nice character relatable sometimes she wasn’t hard to like and I think her actions were relatively understandable, it wasn’t really interesting until the few last pages and even than it wasn’t amazing .
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