Blacktop Wasteland


A New York Times Notable Books of 2020

Like Ocean's Eleven meets Drive, with a Southern noir twist, S. A. Cosby's Blacktop Wasteland is a searing, operatic story of a man pushed to his limits by poverty, race, and his own former life of crime.

"Sensationally good--new, fresh, real, authentic, twisty, with characters and dilemmas that will break your heart. More than recommended." --Lee Child

A husband, a father, a son, a business owner...And the best getaway driver east of the Mississippi.

Beauregard "Bug" Montage is an honest mechanic, a loving husband, and a hard-working dad. Bug knows there's no future in the man he used to be: known from the hills of North Carolina to the beaches of Florida as the best wheelman on the East Coast.

He thought he'd left all that behind him, but as his carefully built new life begins to crumble, he finds himself drawn inexorably back into a world of blood and bullets. When a smooth-talking former associate comes calling with a can't-miss jewelry store heist, Bug feels he has no choice but to get back in the driver's seat. And Bug is at his best where the scent of gasoline mixes with the smell of fear.

Haunted by the ghost of who he used to be and the father who disappeared when he needed him most, Bug must find a way to navigate this blacktop wasteland...or die trying.
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320 pages

Average rating: 8.29




Community Reviews

Dec 04, 2023
10/10 stars
I was blown away by this book. I really was thinking "it's a heist book" but it's a thousand times more than that.

Review here!

Aug 28, 2023
8/10 stars
Content warning for violence, graphic descriptions, murder, and related topics. I really was invested in this novel from the beginning. The characters are wonderfully nuanced and real. I liked how we learned about Bug's father gradually, it put his decisions and life into perspective. The writing is dynamic and gritty which perfectly goes with the storyline. I could totally see this as a movie, images like that were playing in my head as I was more
May 19, 2023
8/10 stars
This was a wild ride! You know how when you're watching a really good movie, but you have to keep pausing to do things, you rush right back to it the moment you have more free time? That was me this entire book.

I would take this on the Big screen over Fast & the Furious 18 any day of the week! Well written, with a lot of action and emotion, no fairy tale ending, which I always admire for some reason....
Apr 13, 2022
9/10 stars
The choices we make will have lasting consequences…. Great book.

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