Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

Now a major motion picture starring Max Pelayo, Reese Gonzales, and Eva Longoria!
A Time Best YA Book of All Time (2021)

This Printz Honor Book is a "tender, honest exploration of identity" (Publishers Weekly) that distills lyrical truths about family and friendship.

Aristotle is an angry teen with a brother in prison. Dante is a know-it-all who has an unusual way of looking at the world. When the two meet at the swimming pool, they seem to have nothing in common. But as the loners start spending time together, they discover that they share a special friendship--the kind that changes lives and lasts a lifetime. And it is through this friendship that Ari and Dante will learn the most important truths about themselves and the kind of people they want to be.
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384 pages

Average rating: 8.34




Community Reviews

Apr 20, 2024
6/10 stars
Как в случае, наверное, со всеми книгами на ЛГБТ-тематику, у «Аристотеля и Данте» есть два уровня, на котором воспринимаешь историю – уровень личный читательский и уровень общественный. И впечатления на этих уровнях не всегда одинаковы.

С общественной точки зрения нам всем нужно как можно больше «Аристотелей и Данте». Расказанных от первого лица и от третьего, драматичных, мелодраматичных и романтичных, прозаичных и поэтичных, и вообще хороших и разных. «Аристотелей и Данте» стоит читать детям, родителям, воспитателям, учителям, депутатам, сенаторам и общественным деятелям. Гомофобия – вещь абсолютно бессмысленная, и должна быть искоренена.

Но вот на личном читательском уровне я, гетеросексуальная цисгендерная женщина средних лет – всё-таки не аудитория «Аристотеля и Данте». Эта книга даже не про историю, она про состояние. Ари – мальчик пятнадцати лет, который постоянно грустит и злится, и, собственно, всю книгу пытается понять, почему. Не знаю, проходят ли этот путь вместе с ним читатели-подростки, но мне уже после первых глав здесь делать нечего, потому что всё на поверхности. Ари занят поисками себя через коммуникацию с отцом, через рефлексию о брате и да, через отношения с Данте. И я даже решусь сказать, что Данте в книге – не самостоятельный персонаж, он инструмент самопознания Ари, и это не хорошо и не плохо, просто так бывает, и, скорее всего, кому-нибудь нужно.

Но я хочу нырять глубже.
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Jan 27, 2024
10/10 stars
One of the absolute best/cutest books I've ever read. I flew through this book in about four hours because I was hooked right from the first page. It was SO beautiful and I feel like I didn't get the full experience because I read it so fast. Looking forward to re-reading it when the sequel comes out!

The characters are so dynamic- Ari is especially turbulent to read about because sometimes you want to yell at him, but other times you just want to give him a hug and tell him it's going to be okay. I loved how Ari is a completely different person from who I am in all external aspects but his thoughts and actions are still so relatable to me. His relationship with Dante is very realistically portrayed and so CUTE honestly what a blessing! It's clear that they have very different personalities and the fact that despite that, they just FIT when they're together is honestly heartwarming. Dante is an Adorable ball of sunshine, light of my life, I love him with all of my heart, when he cries I cry, etc. etc. (seriously. He cried over a dead bird how could I Not)

What really makes me want to force everyone in my life to read this is the number of issues it addresses--cultural identity, homosexuality, family problems, growing up, and so on--and the way Saenz shows us how the characters deal with them. The story is a refreshing alternative to the overused tropes found in many books today and I want to make more people aware of that.

- Spoilers-ish ahead! -

One thing I'm really looking forward to in the sequel is hopefully actually meeting Bernardo, Ari's brother who's in jail. Since his brother is a large part of why Ari starts to rework his relationships with his parents and sort of bring about a new family dynamic, I want to see if Bernardo is a) worth all the Ari spends trying to get to know him and b) how he's going to further change Ari's life.

Cannot wait for the sequel! Just the title is giving me goosebumps aaa
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Jan 26, 2024
10/10 stars
2nd time reading this and it is just as beautiful! Love the audiobook version of this. Great book!
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Dec 27, 2023
8/10 stars
Delightful, current coming of age story, even though it’s set in 1985. Ari and Dante become friends and help one another understand themselves.
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Nov 17, 2023
10/10 stars
It’s a beautiful coming of age love story told over many years
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