Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass (Bantam Classics)

'Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop.'. So many readers were to take the advice of the King of Hearts that by the end of the nineteenth century the double Alice (1865 and 1872) had acquired a pre-eminent and unassailable position in children's literature. Lewis Carroll's use of logic, by which the ordinary is translated into the extraordinary in an entirely plausible way, is delightfully combined with an exceptional knowledge and understanding of the mind of the child. Satire, allusion, and symbolism weave deeper and mysterious meanings, lending a measure of immortality to Carroll's remarkable fantasy.
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272 pages

Average rating: 7.33




Community Reviews

Dec 31, 2022
6/10 stars
I remember that this was not one of my favourite stories as a child. I just reread it with my daughter, who is dancing in a ballet adaptation this summer, and feel just the same as an adult. The characters are just not likable, even Alice, really. The “it-was-all-just-dream” ending is always a bit lame. I can see how all the fantasy and ridiculousness could appeal to many readers, but just not me.

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